Daily Archives: February 7, 2022

Monday Motivator: You Could Be Wrong

In his song, “Manana,” Jimmy Buffet tells us to remember that we could ‘wind up being wrong.’ It’s good advice.

Many pundits talk about the polarization of America right now. Part of that has to come from people just plain out refusing that they might be wrong about something. It’s disheartening to see the mental gymnastics folks go through to ‘be in the right.’

Writer Adam Grant notes that one of the ways to get out of the ‘I’m always right’ mode is to lead with curiosity instead of conviction. Instead of looking for an argument, simply enjoy learning how other people see the world. Do a little research on points of the view that don’t agree with yours. People who are secure aren’t afraid of new ideas. Entertain them. You can always discard them.

I’m lucky that I have two colleagues who remind me to question myself. One constantly questions her own positions. “What if they’re right?” she often asks when reading an article that doesn’t agree with her point of view.

Another just calls me out when I get too entrenched in a position. She has no problem bringing up sources that support other positions. Sometimes I’m annoyed, but in the end, I’m always grateful for her.

I’m lucky to have these folks in my life. If you don’t have such a person, go find one. Right now.