Monday Motivator: Sometimes You Have to Start Over

For a couple of months, I had some physical problems. I couldn’t eat, felt sick a lot, and lost a lot of weight. I couldn’t tell if I were physically sick because I was suffering from anxiety or if I were anxious because I was physically sick. But recently, I have started to feel better. I’ve been able to eat normally again. I’ve put on some weight. And I’ve had a couple of medical tests that said that all was well.

I decided to return to the Y. The first day, I decided to take it easy and just run one mile. I did that pretty easily. The next time, I thought since I did one mile easily, I could return to my usual exercise routine. So, I started running. After a while, I was sure that I must have run three miles. I was tired and my legs hurt. I checked my Fitbit. I had run only 1.5 miles. But I had to stop.

Sometimes you can’t pick up where you left off. You’ve got to take a  few steps back or even start over. And there’s nothing wrong with that. You’re not a failure. Life hands us setbacks all the time. And we have to find a middle ground between pretending they didn’t happen or just totally giving up.

For me, I’ve decided not to be upset that I can’t run as far I did a few months ago and be grateful that I am feeling better and that I am able to return to the track for the mile or so that I can run.

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