Monday Motivator: Make a Gratitude List

I am an avid list maker. I usually have a running list of things that need to be done in a notebook and mark them out with a pen as they are completed. In fact, I love that part so much that, when I do something that’s not on my list, I add it, just for the joy of marking it done.

I keep lists of all sorts of things: home improvements, trips I want to take, books I want to read, etc. So, this week, in the spirit of the season, I am going to share my gratitude list. And because I work in a library, it’s going to be focused on book-related items.

In no specific order, here is my gratitude list:

  1. For my library colleagues who are incredibly smart, dedicated to students, and fun to be around.
  2. For the students who come into the library each day. They are the reason we are here, but they also make our jobs more fun.
  3. For the freedom to read wherever my fancy has taken me over the years.
  4. For Jane Austen, George Eliot, Elizabeth Gaskell, Margaret Oliphant, the Bronte sisters, and many other authors who have kept me company.
  5. For all the mystery novelists who have kept me guessing to the last page.
  6. For my parents and teachers who encouraged my love of reading when I was a child.
  7. For all the teachers out there, who, despite the odds, are dedicated to making sure that children develop a love of reading and have access to all kinds of books.

I am a lucky person to get to be around books every day. (Although, despite the popular misconception, library workers rarely get to read at all, let alone all day. That’s what lunch is for!)

Happy Thanksgiving to you all. I hope your work gives you much to be thankful for.

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