Monday Motivator: Do the Good You Can Do

Octavia Spencer was on her way to pick up a script when her car broke down. No one offered to help her. Then a motorcycle pulled up. A young man got off to help her. That man was Keanu Reeves.  Spencer noted that once people recognized Keanu, they started to help as well.

I like this story because so much of the time, when celebrities do a good deed, I hear folks say, “Well, if I had their money, I could be as generous.” But Keanu didn’t help because he was a rich actor; he stopped because he saw an opportunity to help, and he did. He did what any of the other people could have done if they had chosen to.

But I also like this story because it reminds me that, whether movie star or librarian, there is always an opportunity to help others if we just keep our eyes out for the chance.

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